February 13, 2009

Yeah, I lost my job too: Global Woe

More than 600 job seekers showed up at a Toronto job fair this week, as the ranks of the recently unemployed have begun swelling. According to the The Star job seekers waited in line to meet job counsellors and employers at the fair, held by JVS Toronto. JVS -- a non-profit dedicated to employment -- has been operating for 61 years and has experience placing people during good and bad times.

Canadian employment had been holding up fairly well until recent months. Global job losses from the recession could top 50 million by year's end, The New York Times reports. The figures come from the International Labor Organization, a United Nations agency.

The International Monetary Fund anticipates that global economic growth will reach its lowest point since the Depression by late 2009. According to researchers quoted in the Times, growth has essentially stopped and developed economies are expected to shrink 2 per cent during this year.

The French employment minister noted that this is the worst that his country has seen since 1929. He said globalization makes the unemployment picture much different and more severe.