May 13, 2009

Miss California: Check this out!

Apparently, the oldest depiction of a woman has been described today by archaeologists in southwestern Germany, according to The Globe and Mail. The little figurine, which was carved from the tusk of a mammoth 35,000 years ago, is X-rated and lacks a head.

According to archaeologists from the University of Tubingen, the figure is quite sexually explicit. The dishy little figurine joins an important group of finds from southern Germany, including mammoths, horses, cave lions and two creatures that are half-man, half-animal.

Barack Obama: Déjà vu or New and Improved

by Diane Wilson

A country spots a young, telegenic leader who campaigns on the concept of a just society and the spirit of change. He has been influenced by John Kenneth Galbraith and is a deep believer in Keynesian economics. Always the outsider, he developed his unique world view as a student at Harvard. He was an associate professor of law, whose views tilted towards a liberal position in favour of the rights of an individual.

He captivates actors and statesmen alike. His campaign wins the hearts and minds of the media and mobilizes youth, who see him as a symbol of change. He is quickly labelled a socialist, while his own personal motto is "Reason before passion." Some praise him for his keen intellect, while others simply bash him for arrogance, economic mismanagement and favouring the authority of the federal government. (Wikipedia.) He leads his country through a rough period in history, and is often the centre of attention.

His name is Pierre Elliott Trudeau, and he was Prime Minister of Canada from 1968 to 1984, save for a few unfortunate months.

Good Diversions: More Heroes

Former FDIC Chairman Bill Seidman who died Wednesday in Albuquerque, N.M. at the age of 88, reports The Huffington Post. The affable Seidman held a Harvard LLB and an MBA from Michigan, and served in the US Navy during World War II. While Chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under the first President Bush, Seidman headed up The Resolution Trust Corp (RTC), which efficiently cleaned up the Savings and Loan mess. Recently, due to his success with the RTC, Seidman became the go-to guy to discuss the current banking debacle. Seidman was always straight forward and calming in his assessments. In no particular order, he was also Managing Partner of BDO Seidman, biked to work because he liked to be around young people, consulted with many corporations, wrote, and was a regular on CNBC. A prince of a guy!

Pilot Pilot C.B. "Sully" Sullenberger who not only decided to ditch his bird-burdened plane in the Hudson River, but actually succeeded in doing so, without harming anybody or even losing his cool!

Jennifer Figge, a 56-year-old American woman who dreams big, swam across the Atlantic Ocean, a 4,000 km. journey from the Cape Verde Islands off west Africa to Trinidad, a 24 day trek that had her swimming in a shark cage and finishing unafraid.