January 27, 2009

Canadian Budget: Friend or Foe

Say Goodbye to the Surplus Years

All it took was a look at the potential Coalition Government waiting in the wings and the Tory Government were away to the races, drafting a new Budget designed to erase all thoughts about the nasty Economic Update that threw the Commons into an uproar. Prorogued members of parliament have returned, Flaherty is on his feet, and the Budget has been announced.

Question: Will Canadians be heading to the polls over this Budget? Is it a good budget? And given our demographics and lousy economic fortune, how long will it take before we see a surplus again? Paul Martin isn't the happiest guy to hear that all of his hard work has gone up in smoke -- you can hardly blame the former finance minister. On the other hand, and it is a big on the other hand, the economy needs a hand. Canada is currently relatively strong and we want it to remain that way.

Interesting to note how stocks rallied ahead of the Budget.

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