March 19, 2009

AIG Anger Explodes, French Protest and the South Pacific Erupts

by Diane Wilson

Well, perhaps cable TV can move on to another subject. The House, reacting to anger on the streets caused by bonuses paid to AIG executives, voted 328 to 93 to retrieve the bonuses by slapping a 90% tax on the money. The measure had widespread Republican support. According to The New York Times, the lawmakers were responding to their constituents' anger.

Meanwhile, trouble is afoot in France, reports The Globe and Mail, as more than one million angry workers take to the streets demanding President Nicolas Sarkozy open new talks to tackle the deepening economic crisis. As the French economy contracted at the fastest pace in 30 years, workers from the biggest companies in the country were marching in Paris, Marseilles and Lyon.

And on and on, with mounting unemployment and anger the world over. So it is with a great deal of interest that we read in The Huffington Post that there is an underwater volcano that has been erupting for days, heaving smoke and steam high into the sky. Apparently, this volcano is not having a negative impact on the islanders of Tongatapu or fish and wildlife. However, the beaches of nearby Fiji, will be covered with pumice from the erupting volcano.

Long story short: It is better to give than receive. Paris is not always better in the springtime. And last, that Beatles song no longer makes sense when it enthuses, "I'd like to be under the sea...."

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