May 8, 2009

Intrigue at 6 AM: And why do you want Canadian dollars?

And while we were all just enjoying our gardens, holy smokes, some investors may have had the inside scoop on Canada's Friday jobs numbers. According to The Globe and Mail, Canada is making sure that leaked data did not help currency speculators in advance of the surprisingly good numbers. The Canadian dollar was up .7 per cent between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. ET for no apparent reason, well in advance of the report.

The rumour that has people concerned concerns a large London based hedge fund that made a substantial purchase of Canadian dollars nearly an hour before the Statscan release. Brokers are questioning a leak, but also acknowledging that the Canadian dollar was thinly traded at the time. Some are questioning whether it was the Finance Minister's office that leaked the numbers. Frankly, it was such an odd report that it doesn't seem to matter all that much, and the Canadian dollar was due to rise. But Statscan had better make sure that nobody, but nobody is talking ahead of the news. There are a lot of eyes on Canada and many sophisticated investors like Dennis Gartman are betting on this country. We do not want to look silly.

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